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Date, 5th August, 2021

Post-COVID Reflection: Assessing the Resilience of Your Offshore Team

The swift shift to remote work during the pandemic had its challenges, but as countries like the UK, the US, and Australia move beyond the concept of the 'new normal' to discuss 'the future of work,' questions arise about the resilience of offshore teams in the post-pandemic landscape.

In the wake of the pandemic, business leaders are recognising the importance of equipping their teams with the right tools to thrive in any working environment. As the world redefines work structures, it becomes evident that sustained business growth requires a resilient, healthy, and productive workforce.

Investments in post-COVID workplace policies and benefits should align with evolving employee needs and organisational values, including those of offshore teams. While the West grappled with lockdowns, India faced one of Asia's worst outbreaks, prompting a shift in employee priorities. Workers are now seeking employers who provide support and adaptive workplace practices to navigate ongoing disruptions.

For those managing offshore teams, here are three crucial questions to consider :

Do my company values resonate with every employee?

Successful offshore teams foster inclusivity, eliminating any "us and them" mentality. Engaging team members in discussions beyond daily tasks fosters a sense of shared purpose. Inclusive leaders ensure everyone, regardless of location, is aligned with the company's goals.

Do I understand what motivates my team?

With varying working styles emerging as lockdowns lift, leaders must be attuned to the diverse concerns of their teams, especially offshore employees. Leaders should facilitate open conversations about safety, travel concerns, effective tools for remote work, and changes in productivity.

How comprehensive is my company's wellness plan?

Amid the surge in virtual health offerings, extending select services to offshore employees can enhance their well-being. As businesses invest in online learning and health initiatives, considering offshore team members in benefits packages becomes critical for talent retention.

Additionally, when dealing with an offshore provider, a key question arises :

How do you prioritise the well-being of your employees?

Leading offshore providers proactively communicate their investments in the workforce, showcasing initiatives such as diversity and inclusion policies, hybrid working plans, and comprehensive training programs. A provider that prioritises employee well-being contributes to creating great workplaces worldwide.

In essence, a thriving business hinges on the well-being and resilience of its workforce. I-Guru stands as an industry leader in fostering employee growth and well-being. Reach out to us to learn more about the impactful work our people are doing!

Date: 3rd September, 2021

5 Strategies for Cultivating a High-Performing Offshore Team

Navigating the challenges of collaborating with colleagues in different locations has become increasingly crucial, as highlighted by the ongoing pandemic. The shift from in-person meetings to virtual interactions presents its unique set of obstacles, emphasising the importance of effective management for both onshore and offshore teams. Building a strong team culture and ensuring a shared understanding of workplace expectations are essential components, requiring open communication and collaboration.

Here are five tips to foster an effective and productive working relationship with your offshore team :

Sustain Continuous Communication :

In the absence of physical proximity, maintaining consistent communication becomes paramount. Actively involve your offshore team in discussions, ensuring that their voices are heard. Encourage participation and treat them with the same level of engagement as onshore team members.

Establish Regular Check-Ins :

Regular one-on-one meetings are a fundamental way to connect with offshore team members. These routine catch-ups contribute to building strong relationships, similar to the benefits derived by the onshore team. Ensure that your remote employees receive invitations to team meetings and updates to foster a unified team mindset.

Define Team Norms :

Clearly outline the cultural norms and working expectations within the team. Explicitly state how the team collaborates and operates together. Address response time expectations for emails and messages, task ownership, and the preferred channels for communication. Establishing these ground rules helps eliminate potential misunderstandings.

Standardise Technology Access :

Provide your offshore team with access to the same collaboration tools as your onshore team. Whether it's Zoom, Slack, Skype, instant messaging, or other platforms, aligning technological preferences promotes seamless collaboration. Ensure that technology enhances collaboration rather than serving as a barrier.

Acknowledge Outstanding Performance :

Remote work can sometimes lead to oversight of positive moments. Acknowledge and recognise good performance by expressing gratitude or acknowledging achievements. Utilise emails, instant messages, or team meetings to communicate appreciation. Extend your company's recognition program to encompass your remote team, reinforcing a culture of appreciation.
Successfully managing an offshore team involves more than just finding the right skill set; it requires aligning individuals with the company culture. I-Guru guides clients through the entire process, from onboarding and induction to job-specific training, ensuring that the offshore team is set up for success. By implementing these strategies, you can create a cohesive and high-performing offshore team that seamlessly integrates with your broader organisational goals.