Beyond the Balance Sheet

Modern enterprises across diverse industries are embracing innovative offshore strategies to enhance operational efficiencies and leverage the abundance of technical talent. The process of hiring, onboarding, and retaining employees represents a significant investment of both time and capital for organisations. Once a cohesive team is established, altering its size or skill composition becomes a complex challenge.
Enter our Integrated Resourcing solutions, designed to streamline set-up processes, demand less initial investment, and provide unparalleled flexibility.

The 3-to-1 Value Rule

A straightforward calculation reveals the resourcing cost advantage in INDIA commonly recognised as the 3-to-1 Value Rule. Essentially, for every role you would fill in the UK, US, Australia or in the Europe you can typically onboard three skilled employees in INDIA at an equivalent cost. This not only underscores cost-effectiveness but also emphasises the strategic advantages of diversified talent acquisition.

Pricing Structure

Our transparent fee system revolves around providing competitive remuneration and benefits to our employees while maintaining fair administration and management fees.

Employee Benefits

Here are our established working parameters :

8 working hours per day, with an exclusive 1-hour lunch break and two 15-minute tea breaks.

Adherence to the working hours and holidays observed in the UK, Europe, Australia, and the U.S., aligning with our clients' HR policies.

Provision of 15 paid annual leave days and 12 sick leave days per annum.